
Compliance services


SteelEye, a leading compliance technology and data analytics firm, wanted to cement its profile in European media as the best solution for SMEs to meet their regulatory obligations and establish an authoritative voice in the media on financial regulatory measures including MiFID II and AIMFD. 


Sapience pulled together a thought leadership programme for SteelEye, focusing on challenges facing the regtech sector and MiFID II. 

Sapience bolstered SteelEye’s presence in the media by issuing media releases announcing its new partnerships, appointments and launches of its platform into new European markets. 


Sapience was highly successful in raising awareness of SteelEye’s proposition amongst target key audiences in Europe through expert commentary, briefings and effective thought leadership.  

Leveraging extensive relationships with key press, Sapience secured multiple articles in national and high profile financial trade press, including CityAM, Financial News and Investment Week.  

Find out how we helped regulatory financial services provider, SteelEye, to cement its profile in European media as the best solution for both traditional and alternative investment managers to meet.


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Our results-driven team has extensive experience of content marketing and digital marketing across hospitality, beauty, energy, tourism, blockchain, and construction, to name just a few of the sectors of which we have.