In the past, CSFI has welcomed politicians (Nigel Farage, Michael Fallon), entrepreneurs (Luke Johnson, Jon Moulton), regulators (Jon Cunliffe, Rachel Lomax) – even sociologists (David Goodhart). However, the attendance of macroeconomists has been surprisingly low. Charles Goodhart and John Kay have been keynote speakers – though John focused on pricing issues around the Edinburgh tram system – so not a speech that would yield macroeconomic insights.
Jan Vlieghe very definitely has the background and career to deliver such comments. As a member of the nine-member MPC since 2015 (his term expires this August). Since then, he has taken the line that, notwithstanding legitimate fears about “Brexit”, the UK economy is actually doing pretty well – economic slack is in sharp decline, the growth of employment is putting pressure on wages, and consumption is holding up.
Sapience Communications Head of Business Development Louisa Nairne attended and we were happy to support such an insightful, varied and lively discussions surrounding monetary policy, interest rates and Europe. All in all, an interesting and stimulating evening.
To hear more about the event and what we discussed, contact us.