Salience 02.09.22

Published: Sep 02nd, 2022

Updated: Sep 20th, 2022

This week we cover spoiled milk, dolphin brains and record-breaking pumpkins.


This week we cover spoiled milk, dolphin brains and record breaking pumpkins. Plus, find out more about the power of social media PR.

You can let us know your thoughts on these stories and any other topics that you would like covered by emailing

Sustainability Spotlight

Environmental activists from Animal Rebellion, an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion, have vowed to disrupt the UK’s milk supplies this month, calling on the Government to transition to a plant-based food system. Cow’s milk causes around three times as much greenhouse gas emissions than plant-based alternatives and uses around ten times as much land.

Spoiled milk

An unlikely wingman

New research suggests that male dolphins form decade-long social bonds to help each other find mates and fight off competitors. This has only been seen before in humans, suggesting dolphins have a ‘social brain’.

Dolphin bromance

Cycling on the rise

If people right across the world were as enthusiastic about cycling as they are in the Netherlands, it would cut carbon emissions by 686 metric tons a year. Between 1962 – 2015 bike production even grew faster than car production.

Oh wheely

Renovation alert

This week, Sapience client Royal Garden Hotel, located in the heart of Kensington’s vibrant hospitality scene, was featured in the Kensington and Chelsea Review, following the completion of a major re-design and significant upgrade.

Level up

Services spotlight

Social media PR encompasses many things, but at its heart it’s about using social platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to help people and organisations share ideas, opinions and content directly with each other in real-time. Over 3.8 billion people now use these channels.


A message from Richard

Sapience CO-Founder and CEO Richard Morgan Evans said: “During this cost of living crisis, we are determined to help our clients cope with the tougher business environment by continuing to broaden awareness of their brands and help them stand out from their competitors. Positive media coverage builds confidence in a business, belief in its staff and reassurance in it’s customers. A robust corporate reputation can help companies navigate the most tumultuous market conditions by allowing them to project that commercial determination and certainty of purpose, which provides a strong foundation for businesses to continue to build prosperity for themselves and their customers.”

Sapience’s favourite

This week the world record has been broken for the longest ride in a giant pumpkin – a total of 61km. Duane Hansen even grew the 384kg pumpkin in his own garden and broke the record on his 60th birthday.

Happy birthday!

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