Why every company should have social media

Published: Jul 14th, 2021

Updated: Jan 18th, 2024

Since the launch of the Swedish social media networking website, LunarStorm, in 1996, social media use has grown exponentially. Now, sites like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram enjoy a combined total userbase of 8.25bn as of February 2024 – gigantic by any standards.

With such a large audience, it would certainly be a missed opportunity for businesses not to capitalise on the potential publicity.

In fact, having company social media accounts can afford numerous benefits aside from standard publicity which can make a real difference to the success of the business.

Faster and better communication

One of the most important factors in connecting with your audience is creating an open dialogue with them, giving your clients a means to reach out and voice opinions and reviews.

Communication of this kind gives the audience a chance to give real feedback in real time, something firms have long strived to achieve. For instance, polling people’s views on the launch of a new product or service on LinkedIn or Twitter provides clarity to public opinion.

Social media is of particular effectiveness when it comes to larger companies where lines of communication with their audience are often more challenging to establish due to the sheer size of operations.

Networking and partnerships

Aside from communication with their clients, it is also crucial for businesses to network with one another in order to maximise reach and gain a stronger footing in their respective sectors.

LinkedIn and Twitter are the frontrunners when it comes to B2B networking. This has become even more apparent during the pandemic as in-person meetings and events saw a steep decline. Indeed, LinkedIn saw its membership increase by 15 million from January to April 2020, alongside a 26% growth in user sessions.

Networking through social media can not only bring potential business opportunities through both incoming and own enquiries, but also help to build trust through others’ networks.

Taking the throne

For businesses looking to utilise their social media channels more proactively, they can be a brilliant place to amplify secured thought leadership to other players in the sector and your own audience. 

Leveraging a sizeable social media network for this purpose is a great way for firms to position themselves and their spokespeople as leaders in front of their competitors and clients. 

Moreover, sharing media coverage in this way can give rise to more organic visibility; Backlinking to content posted on the company website can drive traffic and improve SEO – certainly a win-win! 

Brand awareness

Perhaps one of the most valuable capabilities of social media is its branding opportunities. While firms might not see the same conversion rate on social media when compared to other forms of marketing, the impression a brand gives off and its reputation can be greatly enhanced and through owned channels. 

Ensuring your company’s branding is on point will help solidify your firm’s image in the minds of your audience when coupled with regular posting. This brand can then be humanised through team-focused posts which people traditionally engage with the most. 

Leading the charge

With all the above in tow, businesses that optimise their social media channels, and consequently have cultivated an engaged and loyal audience will enjoy the ability to carry out more successful lead generation campaigns.

Utilising targeted posts and advertisements to reach desired audiences can be a great driver of new business, connecting with both customers and potential partners. With a thriving online audience, companies will find they begin to receive much more than they invest.

Like the sound of social media marketing? Explore the possibilities of your social media or contact us directly for more information on what we offer in terms of your social media strategy.

Make an enquiry

If you are looking to enhance your corporate comms and digital marketing efforts with engaging,
relevant content, please get in touch for a free, confidential discussion.